
At last

My life and the witness woman’s life. We had walked total different way. But the day our way crossed. I do not know whether it is coincidence or inevitability I was encouraged by her presence She was encouraged by my presenceI never though…

My effort was rewarded

My effort was rewarded I met her, the witness and cooperator, at some café.She praised my courage from the bottom of her heartBecause she was so kind to me, I could not stop crying. I have not cried in front of anybody after the day but sh…

Usage of consolation money

All things settled down. So I decided to think how to use the money. 1. donation to the sexual crime victims support group 2.give to the witness womanThe above 2 things are definitely I want to do.The support group is a private organizatio…

The day of judgment

The day of judgment,The prosecutor called me when the sunset was beautiful. “The criminal was sentenced to three and half years in prison.” The prosecutor was requesting 3 or 4 years punishment so, it was pretty decent judgment. I was so r…

Betrayal by the lawyer

Then the trial finally began.I didn’t go to the trial. After the first trial finished, the prosecutor called me and said unbelievable thing.My letter to the criminal was used at the trial by the lawyer.The lawyer read my letter at the tria…

the citizen judge system

It was the end of summer, When the trial finally starts, the prosecutor changed from the yakuza to young boy. I was not told the reason of the change. I met the young prosecutor for the first time. The age was around 30, the first impressi…

consolation money of indecent assault injury

I went to the law firm to get the consolation money.I was surprised when I heard about the price. It was 500,000 yen I had many questions about the price. Do I have a right to get that amount of money? Who made the money? The lawyer said, …

the criminal admitted the motive

I received contact from the prosecutor, and I went to his office. Thankfully, the meeting was started from 6 pm after finished my workHe said, the criminal finally admitted that the motive for the attack was for sexual purpose.That means I…

the day I met the lawyer

The female lawyer called me immediately. She was so polite to me.She said,“I deeply apologize you for this matter. ”She was like the criminal’s family or something.“His parents are saying that they really want to meet you and apologize to …

met the counsel for the prosecution

I met the counsel for the prosecution for the first time in my life. His looks was extraordinary.His appearance was like an evil rather than a man for justice.Skinhead (bold) and sharp-eyed, tall and macho.He was more like a Japanese Yakuz…

medical certificates

Because the man denied the motives as sexual purpose, police wanted to collect more effective evidences for the trial before sending to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.Police said that I and the woman driver also might need to attend the tr…

the man has denied the motives

This is the man who attacked you. Police showed me a picture of the man. There was a young man who has no special feature but not positive impression on the picture. The man may has no big happiness, no fame, no money, no talent. That’s wh…

Police found the man

A few month later, my wound of the day has been healed and getting used to the new life. I got a phone call from police. “We identified a man who seems to be the criminal. We have not yet arrested, but when we heard from the man, he admitt…

Changes from the day

I had to go to the police station 3 times after the day.Every time I went, I had to remind what happened the day. At the night, I became unstable.Changes after the day; have to check the keys have really locked night became scary strangers…

People’s reaction

“Sorry”That was what my boyfriend arrived and said to me at the scene 30 minutes later after the phone call. He found me in the police car, and said so. You should say “Are you ok?” before “Sorry” in this case. I thought. What is “Sorry” f…

Cautions when you see a doctor

After I came back home and scolded by my parents, I went to the emergency medical center to take careful inspections. At the reception, I said to the receptionist “I was attacked by a phantom slasher last night and I got injured.” Then the…

An police car arrived the scene

An police car arrived the scene.I and the woman driver were questioned by police officer in the police car.The police officers are total 3. The male police officers are sitting at the front. And female officer was sitting the back. They mi…


I called 110 and while explaining the situation to the operator, I realized one car is coming. I cannot see the driver’s face due to the headlamp. The car slowly stopped in front of me. But the driver doesn’t get off the car. I cannot see …

The day I quit an affiar

It was the 3rd winter with him. He was my boss. We both liked drinking and eating good food. After he became my boss, we naturally became man and woman.It was the first time for me to go out with a man who has a family. I worn out at the b…

the day I became a victim 2

It's too late for regrets. We don’t know what or when something will happen.My mother often told me because I was drinking until midnight. “Make sure to back home by cab. At night, middle age woman like you ( I am 36) also can be attacked.…

The day I became a victim

It was Friday on early December, I was drinking with my work colleagues. Even after we went 2 pubs, I still wanted to drink. So I went a bar that my boyfriend had been drinking.I ordered just one cocktail and after that I just drunk water,…


別れ際、協力者の女性にお礼を渡した商品券だ現金はさすがに失礼だと思ったので、 1000円の商品券 3万円分にした すると、かなり分厚くなってしまい、余計失礼になったような気がしなくもないが・・・それもまぁ、仕方ない お礼の気持ちがこれで伝わるのかは…


目撃者であり、協力者である彼女と喫茶店で待ち合わせした 喫茶店に私が着いたとき、店員さんが言った「お待ち合わせですね?既に来られているので、ご案内します」私は彼女にお礼を言う側なのに、先に到着しなかった無礼を謝り、 お礼の気持ちを伝えた彼女…


判決が下り、一段落した慰謝料も受け取ったので使い道を考えることにした まず、性犯罪被害者サポート団体への寄付と 車で通りがかった女性で、ご協力頂いた方へお礼をしようと思った 性犯罪被害者サポート団体は、ネットで見つけた民間の団体だ 警察がやっ…


判決の日を迎えた検事から電話が来た 夕日が綺麗な夕方だった 「3年半の実刑が決まりました」 検事が要求していたのは3年から4年の実刑だったため まあ、納得のいく判決が下ったと言える肩の力が抜けた気がした やっと終わったんだ 犯人に宛てた手紙を不当に…


そして、いよいよ裁判が始まった 私は見に行かなかった 裁判終了後、検事から電話があった 裁判内容の報告かと思ったが、内容は予想外の事だった なんと裁判で、私が犯人に宛てて書いた手紙が弁護士によって公表されたと言うのだ 弁護士は、私の手紙を無断で…


夏の終わりになっていた いよいよ裁判が始まるという時に ヤクザの様な検事から、若い検事に変わった 変わった理由は聞かされなかった その若い検事と初対面した 年齢は30歳そこそこ?くらいで、なんとも頼りない印象だ しかし物腰はものすごく柔らかく、と…


弁護士に会いに行った 慰謝料を受け取るために 金額を聞いて驚いた 50万 こんな金額を受け取っていいのか 誰から出てるお金なのか いろいろ聞いた 弁護士さんは言った 「このお金は、被告人の両親から出ています。被害者3人に同額が支払われます。両親は裕福…


検事から連絡があり、面談する事になった 私の仕事に合わせて、夕方からの面談にしてくれた 検事との面談で、犯人がわいせつ目的だった、と動機をようやく認めたと聞いた これで裁判に出なくてもよくなったという事になる 心が随分と軽くなった やはり人前で…


弁護士から早速電話が来た 女性の弁護士だ ものすごく低姿勢な印象だった この度は大変ご迷惑をおかけしまして、申し訳ありません まるで犯人の身内か何かのような物言いだ 犯人の両親が私に会ってお詫びしたいと言っているので、是非とも会って頂きたい と…